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Do not support ostracism!

Yes... it comes to our attention between one headline and another. Between elections for the government and the economic situation, between abuse of toddlers and assistance for the elderly. It’s always here! It doesn’t disappear!

Do not support ostracism! Do not ignore it!

When you know something wrong is happening and you ignore it—it makes you a full partner!

When a parent allows their child to exclude someone from a social gathering or a birthday party—the parent is a full partner.

When a teacher settles for notifying the parents without following up with all parties involved—they are a full partner.

When a parent hears from their child that they are being hurt, excluded, or not invited—and they dismiss it with a sentence like "You don’t need them"—they are a full partner!

Do not support ostracism!

It’s in your hands to ensure children don’t choose to exclude a specific child.

It’s in your hands to explain to children that it’s important to attend and bring joy to a friend on their birthday, even if they’re not the BFF.

It’s in your hands to recognize that your child may lack the social skills they need to be an equal part of the group they belong to. It’s in your hands to take seriously the warnings from the educational staff that there’s a problem.

When a red flag is raised—it’s a red alert for you, the parents—not to look for blame! But to find solutions. Never be on any side of ostracism! Don’t agree to stay there. The change is always in your hands!!

Today, I am once again in pain and crying out!!!!

Do not ignore!!

There are so many ways to help—individually, in groups, or as a community.

Don’t know who to turn to? Contact the school counselor/teacher/professional.

Don’t stay with unanswered questions. Don’t stay with unexplained gut pain!

Awareness and involvement can prevent disaster!!!!


Thank you for reading!I invite you to stay connected and join our community:

See you in the next post! 🌟

Ilana Cahana



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