Do you know "I'm bored"? Sometimes it seems like it's the first word they learn...
And now, with many parents and countless children staying at home in isolation, as well as those at home for other reasons and going out less, I felt the need to share with you the "I'm bored" box that I have at home.
So, prepare a box/jar/bowl and lots of notes, and start following the story.
Every day, I’ll post 5 ideas for what to do when I’m bored in isolation... It’s going to be so much fun!
So, do you have a box? Notes? A pen?
Go to the story... The first day is already there....
And... yes... do you have ideas I haven’t posted yet (of course!!) or ones I haven’t thought of?! Send them to me, and I might post them too.
Follow the story on Instagram -
On the YouTube channel =
In the story on the Facebook page -
And even on TikTok -
And of course, for my amazing followers on the blog, I’ll post a daily entry with all the ideas.
Shall we begin???

Did you like it? Did you do it? Did you enjoy it? Share with me, share with friends, and keep following...
Tomorrow, new ideas to make isolation fun!
Ilana Cahana
Thank you for reading!I invite you to stay connected and join our community:
TikTok: @ilana_cahana
Facebook: Ilana Cahana - Responsible Parenting
Instagram: @ilana.cahana
LinkedIn: Ilana Cahana
Twitter: @ilana_cahana
Facebook Group: Here Parents with Joy
Telegram Channel: Responsible Parenting
WhatsApp Channel: Responsible Parenting
See you in the next post! 🌟
Ilana Cahana
Personalized Teaching | Parent Counseling and Guidance | ADHD | Integrative Coaching for Children and Teens | Lectures for Parents and Educational Staff
For contact and scheduling an appointment:
Phone - 0535453350