These days, parents are required to be more creative in engaging their children. The time at home is long, and it’s unclear when we’ll return to routine and what kind of routine we’ll return to. So how do we become engaging parents during these times amidst all the juggling of life?
I invited the dear Dikla Amit, owner of the company "The Activity Box," who creates activities for birthdays, hosting homes, escape rooms, and more... to tell us and give some out-of-the-box ideas.
Full disclosure - I am a long-time satisfied customer of "The Activity Box" and enjoy the amazing activities Dikla creates every time anew...
Dear Dikla - the stage is yours. Tell us a little about yourself.
Nice to meet you, I’m excited to be a guest on the blog and take part. You’re probably curious, so I’ll share a bit about myself: My name is Dikla Amit, a mother of four, an occupational therapist with a particularly creative mind, offering you kits for parents to easily engage their children. You’ll find escape rooms, birthday party kits, and more. Everything is designed so that anyone can succeed. To make it convenient for you, everything comes as a downloadable file or with delivery. Let’s create joy together!
Dikla, as you know, these days many parents find themselves in a new role, where in addition to the new routine imposed on all of us, they are required to create interest for their young children alongside all the additional tasks. A month and a half since the kids have been home, and the idea bank is running out. What can you offer us, the parents?
Dear parents, I’ll share with you a few things that are very helpful, both in routine times and in times like these.
1. Choosing a theme - If you choose a "daily" theme, it will be easier for you to manage the day accordingly.
A daily theme can be a specific color or a special word.
Write the word in a prominent place and pay attention to it throughout the day.
For example, if you choose a word like "crown," you can walk around the house as if a crown is on your head,
eat your meal as if the Queen of England is sitting next to you, and more.
Choosing a daily word will bring about unique adventures, bursts of laughter, special conversations, and even motor activities.
2. Activities around the clock - Ask each child to lead an activity on a topic they love.
Set a time and place, and you’ll see that they can do it too.
Corona didn’t assign us the role of full-time entertainers;
we are the ones who decide if this is our new occupation or not.
Define when you are the entertainers and when they are.
Soon enough, they’ll ask you to do more and more activities.
Thank you so much, Dikla, these are definitely wonderful ideas, and they can create entire days of interest and quality time.
We’re approaching Independence Day. Do you have ideas for us, the parents, around this theme?

Certainly, both ideas and a gift from me to take along, I invite you to receive a quality guide for Independence Day, one that will truly allow you a week of activities. Not something you’ll find everywhere online. You’re welcome here:
Dear Dikla, I was very happy to host you on my blog, and we’d be delighted to host you again soon.
Thank you for the wonderful ideas that allow us, the parents, to engage the children while also involving them and enabling them to take an active part in creating interest and quality time at home.
A big thank you for the wonderful and useful gift, as always.
I will immediately download the guide and start preparing for activities and decorations for Independence Day.
Dear parents, this is a wonderful way to create cooperation and reduce ***arguments between the children.
Download the guide, and let’s have a happy blue-and-white holiday.
Parenting with Responsibility - Ilana Cahana ******************************************************************************************************************* אם המריבות בין הילדים תופסות נפח רציני בהתנהלות שלכם מולם - ההרצאה הזו היא בשבילכם
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See you in the next post! 🌟
Ilana Cahana
Personalized Teaching | Parent Counseling and Guidance | ADHD | Integrative Coaching for Children and Teens | Lectures for Parents and Educational Staff
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