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The party season has arrived

And the kindergarten teacher said the year is almost over

And she prepared an invitation for all the parents

We decorated it nicely with stickers and colors

And put it in the bag to give to the parents.

Mom was happy, and Dad was excited

If everyone is happy, then why am I the only one feeling worried?!

The moment came to go to the kindergarten

Mom dressed up really nicely

And Dad was already there.

They left my little brother with Grandma because siblings aren’t allowed.

So tonight, it’s just me with my parents.

Just like it used to be before he was born

And I was their only and special child.

We arrived at the kindergarten and met all my friends.

What I didn’t take into account was that with the friends came all the parents too... Suddenly, the kindergarten looked at least as big as Caesarea.

And I completely forgot everything we had learned.

What comes first and who comes after... I got so confused.

And just then, when I was looking for Mom, I couldn’t remember where she was sitting.

The lump in my throat grew... and the tear was about to fall.

At that exact moment, I wished the ground would swallow me up. Or maybe I just wanted a hug.

The kindergarten teacher said it’s okay, and I could sit down, and she helped me find my chair. Mom hugged me and said she was there for me and that we could enjoy the party together from the chair. And only quietly, quietly, when I looked at Dad... I saw he was disappointed. And I think I heard him whisper to Mom... that he left work especially to see me, and I didn’t even get up from the chair.

At that moment, I shrank completely.

And I didn’t understand at all how it could be that he left work to see me, but in reality, he doesn’t see me at all!!!

Dear parents,

The graduation party is for the children.

To summarize, say goodbye, and express gratitude.

Come and be with them and for them.

Some children flow with great confidence, and some feel pressured by the crowd.

Help them be present, even if they choose to sit on the chair. Hug them and support them.

They are so excited about the occasion,

And it doesn’t always turn out exactly as planned.

Wishing everyone a joyful month of graduation parties!

And a pleasant vacation to all.


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See you in the next post! 🌟



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