Dear friends,
In light of the upcoming placement period...
And in light of the messages and requests for opinions regarding a particular kindergarten or educational institution...
I am writing this mainly for those seeking recommendations.
Keep in mind that in one kindergarten, about 35 students study each year, which usually brings around 70 parents, each with a different opinion and experience regarding the staff's conduct during the year their child attended.
Multiply this by the years the staff has worked in the kindergarten, and you’ll get hundreds of different opinions...
Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to rely on just one opinion, or even on 10 opinions from parents who are members of a group and chose to respond.
For every person who responded, there are surely dozens whose opinions you haven’t heard...
You yourselves are different individuals. Most of the time, you don’t know the person giving the recommendation or criticism, nor do you know their mindset or principles. How they raise and educate their children, how they cooperate (or don’t) with the educational staff, and how involved they truly are.
Each person’s experience is entirely personal...
The reverse is also true—the person giving the recommendation doesn’t know you or your educational approach.

Additionally, over the years, staff members change, assistants are replaced, and sometimes even kindergarten teachers.
Let us not forget that the group of children also changes, along with the dynamics in the kindergarten.
Don’t forget that behind every recommendation or criticism are human beings. A teacher, kindergarten teacher, or assistant is a person, a mother, a wife, a friend, a daughter, someone’s neighbor... She is not on trial, and you are not judges. Do not contribute to shaming. If you want to give praise, do so with love.
Shaming is not part of our values.
Therefore... take everything with a grain of salt and in proportion...
Wishing us all a successful school year.
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See you in the next post! 🌟