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This evening in Modiin,

I joined a protest against harm to the defenseless.

Babies and toddlers who were harmed by those who were supposed to protect them, care for them, and provide them with warmth and love in daycare while their parents went to work. Babies left by their parents in the hands of caregivers who should never have been allowed to care for children. Caregivers who harmed, abused, humiliated, hit, tied up, and committed heinous acts against those who couldn’t say no!!! Those who couldn’t cry out! This evening, we cried out on their behalf. And I’m telling you, this is just a drop in the ocean! So much needs to be done to make a change! To prevent the next case. And no! No one is immune! It happened in private family daycares, it happened in supervised daycare centers, it happened in municipal kindergartens, and it happened in schools. It has happened and will continue to happen as long as certain things don’t change.

* Extending maternity leave for mothers.

* Supervision of everyone working with children.

* Training for caregivers.

* Providing proper working conditions for caregivers in daycare centers.

* The harshest punishment in cases of harm. Punishment also for those who worked in the daycare, knew what was happening, and didn’t report it!

* Parents must take responsibility, investigate, ask questions, and make surprise visits (yes, a daycare that doesn’t allow entry during the day raises suspicion!!!).

* Providing support for children who have been harmed and offering tools and professional guidance to their parents on how to support and rebuild the child’s confidence, how to change learned behavior patterns as a child who experienced violence in their early years.

There is undoubtedly much more to write, much more to do. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

And perhaps the most important thing to conclude with -

Anyone working with children must know and understand that children are raised with love, or they shouldn’t approach them at all! Working with children is sacred work; it is challenging and sometimes not easy at all. It is not a job for everyone. It must be a mission that comes from a deep place in the heart.

There is no other way! Those who cannot give their all should look for another occupation!


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See you in the next post! 🌟



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