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The line between my feeling that I am doing something out of love for my child and overindulgence is thin. Sometimes we, as parents, are unsure where it lies...

Love and touch, a sense of complete acceptance, are basic needs for every person from the day they are born, just like food and water.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs speaks about the existence of basic and universal needs shared by all humans:

1. Basic physiological needs.

2. Safety and physical security.

3. Belonging, identity, and love.

4. Respect and esteem.

5. Self-actualization.

When we do things for our children that they are capable of doing themselves, we are doing them a disservice.

It is our responsibility to ensure their basic needs are met, to care for them, their health, their safety, and their happiness. At the same time, it is our responsibility to nurture their sense of capability and self-confidence. To instill in them the confidence that they can, and that we believe in them. That we will always be there to help. Be careful not to become crutches but rather to provide support if they fall.

Children grow in an environment that allows growth. They learn through trial and error. They strengthen their physical and emotional muscles through challenges, not by sitting on the sidelines and watching someone else do things for them.

Love them, hug them a lot, believe in them, encourage them to try and reach as high as they can.

You are planting, watering, and fertilizing. They will bear fruit, and you will enjoy sitting on the sidelines and savoring the fruits.


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See you in the next post! 🌟

Ilana Cahana



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