Wow, it’s happening. And if it hasn’t reached your home yet, read this post – when it does, you’ll be ready...
The kids are growing up... I’ve noticed that when there’s a kissing scene, they no longer cover their eyes or blush...
What’s going through their minds when they see it? I have no idea. (I’d pay a lot to read their thoughts.)
And then I realize it’s time to wake up because they’re learning about the sexual world from the internet, friends’ stories, the media, television...
And then comes the acceptance that there are things I can’t control. And just as I make sure to convey messages about topics like education, volunteering, helping others, financial management, family and friends, alcohol and drugs, the topic of sex must also be part of the conversation in our home.
Wow! Embarrassing, right?? They don’t really want to have “the talk,” so I found a few ways that can help us, the embarrassed parents, and also our young friends.
The first thing is the amazing website “Reliable Information About Sex,” which I’ve written about and mentioned many times.
It has tons of information, guidance, answers to questions for parents, teachers, and our children and teens.
It includes recommendations for various books based on gender/age/need
And lots of recommended content.

One of the topics that is important to put on the table, especially as a mother to boys, is the understanding that what is seen in movies is distorted and does not reflect the real world.
Every time I hear in the news about rape, sexual harassment, gang rape, and more... I am horrified. I try to think about how, as a mother, I teach my children where to draw the line. What is acceptable and what is forbidden! Where the boundary lies.
And then I came across this amazing video that explains the matter clearly and unequivocally!
How simple the explanation is! Sit with the kids, watch the video together, guide them, and make sure they understand the message in practice! No one will do it better than you.
It’s important to me that they understand that sexual relations are not just about pleasure. There’s a whole world of concepts to understand, meanings, and great responsibility.
Above all, it’s important to understand what consent is – for both sides. If there’s doubt, there’s no doubt.
And I want to know that in the moment of truth, they will truly understand this and act as I would want them to act.
Come on – have you called them for the talk yet? It’s time!
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See you in the next post! 🌟
Ilana Cahana
Personalized Teaching | Parent Counseling and Guidance | ADHD | Integrative Coaching for Children and Teens | Lectures for Parents and Educational Staff
For contact and scheduling an appointment:
Phone - 0535453350