"He doesn’t listen to me!" This sentence is common among many parents. The feeling that we’re talking to a wall... Our children are listening! They hear everything we say. And especially what we don’t say. They observe us, learn from us, and learn about how to navigate the world. What a relationship looks like, how it’s acceptable to react when we’re angry, when we’re sad, when we fail, when we succeed, and when we’re happy.
Take a moment to look at the day from the side. How much communication was there? What did your child learn from you today? Is that what you wanted them to learn from you? Life is a school, and our home is a laboratory for life. It’s the first and most important place for learning. Every child needs to feel respected, to know with certainty that they are in a safe place, to feel wanted and that they belong, to feel that their company is enjoyed, and every child needs to experience moments of success.
Look at yourself from the side—what did you do today to give your child the knowledge that they are important, the knowledge that they are loved?
What did they learn from you today? From your communication, from your actions?
Every word matters, every action, touch, hug.
Every gesture, big or small, grows roots in your relationship.
Because this is life.

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See you in the next post! 🌟
Ilana Cahana