Parents of children in special education or special children in regular education make tremendous efforts to integrate them into Israeli society, adapt them to independence, and provide them with as many tools and skills as possible.
All this while sacrificing income, quality of life, and a great deal of time.
Daily running around between complementary and integrative activities, researching skills, and undergoing numerous evaluations—not to mention medications of all kinds.
Stop harming us, the parents, and the children. We demand that all government ministries (Health, Education, Finance, Welfare) sit together and decide that:
Do not cut hours for personal aides for special children; instead, expand and encourage them to stay and be there for the children.
Do not play games with approvals for medical cannabis.
Provide financial reimbursements for medical treatments and evaluations that the health funds do not cover or fully refund.
Therapeutic support for special children.
Subsidizing emotional treatments.
Do not harm child development units.
Do not increase the number of children in special education classes.
I ask you to take an active part. Sign the petition and share it on every possible platform.
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See you in the next post! 🌟
Ilana Cahana