Sharing with you the Hebrew homework of my son, Matan Kahana, a 6th-grade student in class 6/3 at HaEla School in Modiin. This was part of an assignment in a Hebrew lesson with his teacher, Ayelet HaShachar, inspired by the story of Kobi Marimi.
And if you’re wondering how to bring a child with clear ADHD, language difficulties, anger outbursts, and challenges in dealing with frustrations that led to social difficulties, academic struggles, and many challenges, to moments like these of pride, joy, and happiness—are you asking?
Years of work with complete faith that this child is a diamond we created with great love, a bit challenging to polish and shine, step by step, with various medical and paramedical treatments, school meetings, integration committees, evaluations, self-learning of the challenges, and acquiring tools for every obstacle.
Full cooperation with the educational staff. An amazing, supportive, and empowering educational team, lots of encouragement, unconditional love, and acceptance.
Faith, faith, and more faith that he can, that he is capable, that under the right conditions, he will overcome every hurdle and every obstacle.
And then, every so often, there’s a moment like this of immense pride and joy, and it’s sweeter than any fruit, filling you with happiness for many more years of new challenges to come.
My child, all of this is yours! This is your path! Be proud of yourself!
Share this!
Because in days when we talk about equality, inclusion, and acceptance of the other and the different, this is the test of the result, and the result speaks for itself.
I am the proudest and most emotional person in the world that these are the insights my son carries with him for life.
And this time, wearing the hat of a mother. Pass this on for every mother and every father who experiences moments of difficulty and challenge, helplessness and lack of understanding, for every teacher who plants seeds of empowerment and faith in their students, for every child who struggles, who isn’t like everyone else, who has days when they feel so different and hopeless. For every child who experiences failure. So that the world will know, and everyone will know, that my child succeeds, that my child will become everything he dreams of being in the future. Because nothing stands in the way of willpower.
Dream. Write. Fulfill.
************************************ This is the letter that was written
Dear Matan,
I am you, just older.
I would like to offer you some advice that will help you get to where I am today.
You need to remember that in difficult moments, there are always people who know how to help.
Always stay open and don’t change just because other people do.
Just because people think you’re not succeeding doesn’t mean you won’t succeed.
Remember to use calming exercises in tough moments.
Don’t forget that every mistake guides you toward success.
Remember that no one is perfect.
I just want to ask you to stay you and only you because your future self succeeded only thanks to you.
With love,
You, 15 years from now.
May 2019
Written by Matan Kahana, 6th-grade student

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