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On their birthday, a person should strive to speak good words and bless everyone they encounter, as on this day, their fortune is very high and capable of fulfilling the blessings they give.

I love using the inspiration cards by @adi.shaviv.inspire both at the end of coaching sessions with mothers and women, and especially for myself. This morning, I drew the card in the picture for myself. How amazing and fitting it is, on my birthday, to bless and wish good for others.

I invite you to write in the comments a blessing for someone you’d like to bless today and tag them. Whether it’s for health, abundance, livelihood, relationships, calm, hope, love, or any other good blessing you wish to give.

Let’s spread goodness to others and attract goodness back to us today.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


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See you in the next post! 🌟

Ilana Cahana



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